Do you love mangoes? I know we do!
This is why I decided to share with you one of my favorite treats: Mango fruit leather.
I recently made it with the little ones, and they surprisingly enjoyed the entire process.
This just showed me that kids can turn any activity into a fun activity!
And this one is just perfect for them because it is extremely easy to prepare and so delicious.
Its only drawback is the time that it takes. It can be quite a lot for some children, but totally worth it in my opinion!
It’s also a great opportunity to talk about patience and teach them that they can wait for things that matter and have it all turn out OK in the end.

You only need 2 ingredients:
- A ripe mango
- Honey to taste
I started cutting the mango into little cubes, just enough to make them fit into a food processor.
Then, added some honey (a teaspoon, to be exact), but you can add as much as you want; it all depends on how sweet your mango is and how much sweetness you like.

After that, I pureed the mix until it was kind of smooth. Mine still had some little chunks, but it worked perfectly fine.
Don’t forget to check if you need to add more honey at this point.
Finally, I poured a thin and uniform layer of the mix into a baking sheet and baked it at 175°F for 4 hours, constantly checking after 3 and a half hours.

If you are wondering if you can only use cooking spray (instead of a baking sheet), the answer is No. I have tried that before, and it didn’t work. The mango got stuck on my tray 🙁

Once you take them out of the oven, let them cool and roll them afterward.
They can last up to a week on an airtight container, but I’m sure they will be gone within an hour. Kids love them! (and adults too).
Now it’s your turn to try these delightful mango treats while practicing patience with your little ones!
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